C3G in Haksap Berries - What is it? The Top 7 Reasons for C3G in Your Diet

C3G Haskap Berries - Heart Shaped

If you haven’t heard of C3G and don’t know what it does for your body, you’re not alone.

Those “in the know” (read: health professionals) have long supported its benefits, especially in weight loss and muscle-building circles. C3G (cyanidin 3-glucoside) is an anthocyanin (a powerful flavonoid) that is naturally occurring in haskap berries, juice and powder.  In fact, C3G makes up 80% of the anthocyanin content in haskap - completely unique to this particular berry and the reason why it is such a special fruit.  The list of all known and potential benefits of C3G is way too long for a blog post, so we’re giving you the Coles Notes version: 

The top 7 reasons why you should include C3G in your diet.   You’re welcome.

1. C3G Regulates Glucose Metabolism and Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin sensitivity is a term to describe how sensitive the body is to the insulin hormone. Low sensitivity to insulin can potentially lead to type 2 diabetes and other issues. This study and others like it show evidence that C3G can help regulate insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. The process is still being researched but the evidence is there. 

2. C3G May Reduce Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) 

Many people suffer from NAFLD which as its name suggests is high levels of fat in the liver. If this condition progresses, it can increase the risk of serious health events such as a heart attack or stroke. In the same study as above, results led researchers to believe that C3G helps reduce NAFLD. This is an amazing benefit packed naturally into haskap berries and powder. 

3. C3G Appears to Diminish Weight Gain

This study on C3G and weight gain was tested on many rats with amazing results. Granted we aren’t rats, but the evidence and known benefits of C3G is propelling research forward. The results of this study led researchers to this conclusion: “Cyanidin-3-glucoside can reduce body weight gain, and attenuate obesity-associated dyslipidemia and insulin resistance in high-fat diet-fed rats…” Those who know about the benefits of anthocyanin and haskap are probably not surprised by this. 

4. Some Researchers Claim that C3G Suppresses Types of Cancer

We can’t make such a bold claim, but the studies are interesting. This particular study on lung cancer and C3G  published in the World Journal of Surgical Oncology led researchers to believe that “C3G suppresses the progression of lung adenocarcinoma”. These types of claims are still to be researched further, but if it’s true, drinking a haskap berry smoothie may provide even more healthy benefits than we already know. 

5. Evidence for C3G Helping with Learning and Memory

A C3G study on memory showed evidence of C3G aiding in the improvement of learning and memory, especially deficits of these functions due to poor diet. Specifically in this study, short term spacial memory showed to have the most dramatic improvement. 

6. C3G Protects Pancreatic Beta Cells

Pancreatic beta cells produce and secrete insulin, which helps blood sugar enter the body for our energy.  Danage to these cells can lead to serious health issues and lifelong insulin therapy. This research study on C3G led researchers to believe that C3G extracted from the berries that carry it (like haskap berries), help protect pancreatic beta cells. This research paper indicates that the research was driven by the overwhelming evidence of antioxidant benefits from berries such as haskap that carry C3G. 

7. C3G Helps With Inflammation 

Lastly, there is evidence of C3G helping with inflammation. There are lots of studies demonstrating the anti-inflammatory benefits of haskap products, however, this specific study on C3G and inflammation shows how C3G can suppress some inflammatory responses in the intestinal cells (which was the focus of this research). Reading the study, there is a lot of controversy about how this works exactly, but the good news is many researchers see the benefits of C3G and are trying to pinpoint exactly how inflammation is reduced. Inflammation is often linked to a large group of ailments and serious diseases. Haskap’s natural anti-inflammatory properties are another compelling reason to keep it in your diet. 


There are many other studies showing benefits of C3G including muscle growth, weight loss, reducing inflammation and more. As we can see above, there are plenty of reasons to include haskap berry products into your diet. If you’re looking for an easy way to get these benefits, then check out our 100% pure haskap berry products here


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