This Doctor and New York Times Bestselling Author Believes in Sweet Prairie Haskap. Here’s why…

Nutrivore Dr. Ballantyne NT Times Bestselling Author - Loves Sweet Praire Haskap Products

Dr. Darah Ballantyne is known for her simple yet scientific approach to our diets. She earned a doctorate at the age of 26 in medical biophysics and spent the next four years doing research on critical care medicine, innate immunity, gene therapy and cell biology.  Her interest focuses on how the foods we eat interact with our gut barriers, immune systems, and hormones to influence health. 

Dr. Ballantyne is also known for two websites, , and many books including “The Paleo Approach’ which is a New York Times bestselling book.

“I am in love with Sweet Prairie Haskap Berry products. The nutrient nerd in me geeks out over their super nutrient-density and crazy high level of anthocyanins, a special class of antioxidant polyphenols known to reduce inflammation, improve serum lipids and glucose metabolism, and support brain and eye health. The flavor nerd in me relishes their delightful flavor, astringent and only slightly sweet, somewhat reminiscent of black current or pomegranate and yet completely unique. My favorite is to add Haskap Berry Juice to sparkling water for a refreshing beverage, but Sweet Prairie Haskap Berry products also add a wonderful brightness to smoothies, and make an amazing addition to desserts, dressings and sauces.  Highly recommend!”

--Sarah Ballantyne, PhD

We have many articles referencing great studies, but when a respected doctor and researcher dedicated to nutrition backs up Sweet Prairie Haskap, it means a lot! 

We recommend exploring her content, as her approach for simplifying research into practical terms is easy to put into practical use. She even has a printable list of the top 100 most nutrient dense foods.  She focuses on the term “nutrivore”. According to her website,  

“Nutrivore is the revolutionary yet simple dietary concept: Get all the nutrients our bodies need from the foods we eat. Or, if you’re looking for a soundbite: A Nutrivore eats nutrients.”

We’re thankful to have our haskap products included into this dietary philosophy. If you want to add haskap to your diet in 2023 check out our haskap products store here


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