The Top 5 Superberries That You Need In Your Diet

The Top 5 SuperBerries - Berries Splashing

Introduction: Why We Need Super Berries

Antioxidants…what are they, anyway?  Antioxidants combat damaging oxidation in the body and guard against free radicals…AND they’ve never been more needed. There is growing evidence that a host of everyday pollutants harm our bodies, but there is just as much evidence that antioxidants can help ward off or slow down these effects.. Berries are a great method to increase your antioxidant consumption since they are packed with vitamins, minerals, polyphenols and phytonutrients which keep you healthy. 

Despite their vitamin-rich composition, there are certain lesser-known berries with excellent health-boosting characteristics that you should be aware of. With many people on the lookout for super foods that can be easily incorporated into a balanced diet, we've compiled a list of the top 5 superberries, all rich in the vitamins your body requires to function properly and stay healthy!

The Top 5 Supeberries 

  1. Haskap Berries

  2. Goji Berries

  3. Blueberries

  4. Elderberries 

  5. Bilberries

Haskap Berries

This edible member of the Honeysuckle family is an incredibly nutraceutical comprehensive berry that deserves more attention. The Haskap Berry, also called honeyberry and blue honeysuckle ,  is similar to the blueberry in color but has a long oval shape, containing three times as many antioxidants and six times the number of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are naturally occurring plant pigments that give them their deep coloring and contain amazing health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, immunity boosting, neuroprotective and cardioprotective properties.  They also support your mitochondrial system and give your body energy which is why many people take this berry pre-workout. A recent Runners World study shows that runners who took haskap products before they worked out performed with more endurance and faster time with quicker muscle recovery than those who did not.  Their sweet and tangy flavor makes them a great addition to your salad dressing, yogurt, oatmeal, or jams and as with most great fruits, they can be bought in powdered form to quickly sprinkle onto any dish, bake with or even taken in a concentrated juice format. Haskap is also filled with naturally occurring quercetin which provides lung function and respiratory support as well as C3G which regulates glucose and blood sugar levels, making this berry safe for diabetics.  Although not well-known worldwide, the Haskap Berry has been used medicinally for years in its native countries Japan, Tibet, and Russia to treat high blood pressure, stroke, heart attacks, eye and gastrointestinal diseases.

Goji Berries

Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, are native to China and used in traditional medicine. Recently, they have become very popular in the Western world. Goji berries also contain high levels of vitamin A and zeaxanthin, both of which are important for eye health. One study of 150 older adults found that eating 14 grams of a proprietary milk-based formulation of goji berry daily reduced age-related decline in eye health. This study, along with a second similar study, suggested that eating goji berries could raise blood zeaxanthin levels. Like many other berries, goji berries contain antioxidant polyphenols. One study found that drinking goji berry juice for 30 days increased blood antioxidant levels of healthy older Chinese adults. Another study found that drinking goji berry juice for two weeks increased metabolism and reduced waist size in people with overweight. While these studies are promising, they’re relatively small. So, more research is needed.


Not to be ignored, the anthocyanins found in blueberries may reduce oxidative stress, decreasing the risk of heart disease in both healthy people and those at high risk for the condition. In addition, blueberries may improve other aspects of heart health by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood, reducing the risk of heart attack while enhancing the function of arteries. Blueberries may also lower the risk of diabetes by up to 26%. Studies have shown that blueberry or bioactive blueberry compounds can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 26%. A large observational study has shown that people who eat blueberries also have slower rates of cognitive decline, meaning their brain remains healthier as they age. Remember, many of these healing properties are in haskap berries as well, if not more according to newer research. 


Elderberry refers to several varieties of the Sambucus tree, some of which are more commonly heard of than others. The entire plant, including bark and leaves, has amazing antioxidant benefits that make it a fantastic medicinal plant. Although lesser known to the wider population, these super berries have been used in traditional medicine for years as a natural treatment for influenza, infections and as pain relief. 100g of elderberry fruit contains 60% of your daily vitamin C intake and its high fiber content means it is great for maintaining your digestive health. Elderberries have quite a sharp taste and must be cooked to be eaten raw; however, they can still be cooked into tasty syrups, jams and wines or bought over the counter as handy cold-curing capsules, lozenges or gummies. Just make sure you don’t eat them raw, as they are poisonous unless boiled first!


Bilberries are similar to blueberries, so they're often confused. Bilberries are native to Europe, whereas blueberries are native to North America. Scientific studies have suggested that bilberries reduce inflammation. Some propose that eating bilberries or drinking bilberry juice can reduce inflammation in people at risk of heart disease or metabolic syndrome. Another study of 110 women found that eating bilberries for around 1 month decreased the levels of endothelial markers that are related to heart disease. Bilberries were also associated with a reduced waist circumference by 0.5 inches (1.2 cm) and weight by 0.4 pounds (0.2 kg). A separate study found that eating a diet rich in bilberries, whole grains, and fish reduced blood sugar levels in people with high blood sugar. Bilberries may also increase HDL cholesterol and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol.


Evidence continues to show that foods rich in antioxidants and anthocyanins can help protect the body from free radicals and provide great health benefits. If you’re looking for an easy way to get these benefits, then check out our haskap berry products


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