Haskap 101: What is a Haskap Berry?

What is a Haskap Berry?

Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, olallieberries, blueberries, haskap berries…

…wait, what? What’s a haskap berry?

Whether we’re in the booth at the farmers market or chatting it up in the checkout line at the supermarket, it’s not uncommon for people to give us a blank stare when we mention the haskap berry (aka the best health fruit of all time!).

And we can’t blame them!

Compared with some of the berries listed above, the haskap berry gets very little press coverage here in the United States – despite it being one of the healthiest super berries out there. On top of that, haskap berries grow best in cooler, more temperate climates like those near the northern and southern poles. 

So then, what is a haskap berry? And why should we care about it?

In Part 1 of our Haskap 101 series, we’ll shed some light on this humble super berry – such as where it’s grown, its many names, how ancient cultures used it for a whole range of medicinal purposes, and why it should be a supplemental staple in our diets today.

Let’s dive in.

One super berry, many names

Again,if you live in the United States, odds are you’ve never heard of the haskap berry before. But do any of these other names ring a bell?

  • Honeyberry

  • Honeysuckle

  • Blue Honeysuckle

  • Sweetberry Honeysuckle

  • Fly Honeysuckle

The haskap berry goes by many different names, each typically designated by the culture and location where the berry was grown. In fact, haskap – scientifically classified as the Lonicera caerulea – has over 15 different varietals from around the world and is still being classified by scientists today!

Here are just a few examples of the varieties and where they’re found:

  • Lonicera caerulea var. Altaica (Northern Asia)

  • Lonicera caerulea var. Caerulea (Europe)

  • Lonicera caerulea var. Cauriana (Western North America)

  • Lonicera caerulea var. Villosa (Eastern North America)

  • Lonicera caerulea var. Emphyllocalyx (Eastern Asia, aka Haskap)

The name haskap is generally believed to be the oldest name for this berry. Originating from the indigenous Ainu people on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, haskap literally translates into “berry of long life and good vision” – a fitting name for such an unrecognized super fruit.

Where do haskap berries grow?

Haskap berries have been harvested for centuries by indigenous people around the world. Some of the first records of the haskap berry come from eastern Asia in places like Japan, China, and Russia. Canada also has a history of native haskap berry plants.

What do all these places have in common?

Their climates.

Haskap berries naturally grow best in what are called circumpolar climates, or climates that experience frigid winters and temperate summers. The haskap plant itself is very cold-hearty, meaning it can withstand temperatures down to nearly -50ºF! In fact, many of haskap’s nutritional value can be attributed to its ability to survive in such cold climates unscathed.

But as soon as the temperatures rise, haskap plants will scorch and wither.

During the 1950s, scientists in the Soviet Union began cross-pollinating haskap varieties to create more nutrient-dense berries and plants that would thrive in more temperate winters and warmer summers. Their discoveries would lead to more varieties that were even tastier and healthier than some of the original cultivars they had worked with.

As news about this health fruit traveled around the world, other scientists began doing the same, leading up to today where multiple organizations and research institutions grow and cultivate multi-varietal species in their local regions.

In the United States, haskap cultivation began at Oregon State University using Japanese varieties; while Canada began seriously cultivating haskap berries using Russian varieties.

Here at HelloHaskap, we source our haskap berries and juice right from one of the healthiest haskap regions in North America: the Saskatchewan province in Western Canada. In fact, the University of Saskatchewan has an entire program devoted to the study and cultivation of the haskap berry, making our source of haskap berries one of the purest, nutrient-dense sources available!

But what do haskap berries taste like?

Sweet, tart, tangy, haskap berries have a truly unique flavor that excites and energizes the palate. The flavor of haskap can typically be characterized as a blend of different berries, such as cherries, raspberries, blueberries, grapes, and even kiwi. You might even taste hints of black currant and other spices, making it one of the more exciting flavors out there.

But what is so great about haskap berries are their versatility.

Want a quick, healthy snack berry? Just pop a handful or raw berries in your mouth!

Looking for a tangy topping for chicken? or a sweet sauce for roast beef? You can sauté haskap berries or haskap juice to create a tasty sauce topping for any of your favorite entrees.

Or maybe you want something that will give you a quick energizing and antioxidant boost? Then fresh pressed haskap juice is your go to.

The possibilities are endless with this versatile health fruit!

Don’t forget the health benefits!

Haskap berries are one of the healthiest, most nutrient-dense berries on the planet! They’re loaded with anthocyanins – powerful antioxidants that aid in anti-inflammation, neuro-protection, and cardio-protection.

While nutritional scientists continue to discover the health benefits of haskap berries, ancient cultures in Japan, Korea, and other northern Asian countries recognized the health benefits and used haskap berries as a remedy for a variety of health issues and disorders, including:

  • Urinary disorders

  • Fever

  • Headache

  • Upper respiratory infections

  • Diabetes mellitus

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

And when looking at the natural nutritional profile of haskap berries, it’s no wonder haskap was relied on for these traditional remedies. Scientists have since discovered that haskap contains higher antioxidant properties than every other berry in the traditional grocery store – including blueberries, goji berries, açaí, raspberries, elderberries, and cranberries (Canadian Science Publishing).

Additionally, haskap has a higher concentration of Vitamin C and Potassium than organges or bananas, truly making it one of nature’s best superfruits!

This highly potent blend of anthocyanins and vitamins also includes healthy phytochemicals that are scientifically known to protect against:

  • Cancer

  • Tumor growth

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • High blood pressure

  • Risk of heart attack

  • Osteoporosis

  • and aging

Does it make sense why we’re so excited about this super berry?

Learn More: 5 Health Benefits of Haskap Juice

Looking for the next super health fruit? Look no further than haskap!

Whether you call it honeysuckle, honey berry, or haskap, haskap is one of the tastiest, healthiest fruits out there. Plus, this versatile super berry can be used to increase the nuritional value of almost any recipe.

At Hello Haskap, we’re all about providing the highest quality haskap juice on the market so you can experience the many health benefits that it brings.

Get your own bottle of haskap juice today!


5 Health Benefits of Haskap Juice