Haskap: A Natural Remedy for Inflammation

Wanna hear a dirty word? 


Doctors can’t prescribe enough pills for it, the latest health news magazines won’t stop writing about it, and supplement slingers won’t stop telling you they’ve got the only natural way of stopping it..

But when it comes down to it, what exactly is inflammation? Why is it so bad? And are there simple, natural ways you can fight it (without having to take a billion supplement pills every day)?

That’s what we’re covering in today’s article—and, yep, you likely guessed it, we’re gonna talk about how haskap berries provide one of the best natural remedies for inflammation.

Inflammation: The good, the bad, and the ugly. 

At the risk of oversimplifying it, there are two types of inflammation: good inflammation and bad inflammation.

Good inflammation is the body’s 100% natural defense against sickness, injury, and even stress. When you're sick, your body releases white blood cells and cytokines (both inflammatory cells) to flood the area with more immune cells and nutrients to combat bacteria and infections. When you’re injured—such as a cut or torn muscle—these same cells work to repair your body, leading to swelling or pain around the injury site. In short, your body relies on a certain level of inflammation to stay alive and healthy.

But too much of a good thing can quickly become a bad thing.

Bad inflammation happens when a natural inflammatory response lingers long after the initial threat has passed. This is known as chronic inflammation, and it’s the culprit of chronic disease such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart disease—such as high blood pressure and increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

The path to optimal health is to provide your body with what it needs to properly trigger inflammation when needed, while also minimizing inflammation when it isn’t needed. 

Give your body what it needs: Natural remedies for chronic inflammation.

Contrary to what all the supplement gurus out there say, there really isn’t a “secret natural remedy” for inflammation. Managing inflammation all comes down to a healthy diet—particularly diets loaded with anti-inflammatory foods—and an active lifestyle.

Get those anti-inflammatory nutrients from whole foods.

You see, natural whole foods contain plenty of nutrients and compounds with anti-inflammatory properties. Nutrients like:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish, nuts, and seeds) help reduce inflammation by suppressing the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body.

  • Antioxidants (found in fruits and vegetables) help protect cells from damage caused by inflammation.

  • Quercetin and curcumin (phytochemicals found in fruits and berries) can inhibit the production of inflammatory chemicals.

  • Resveratrol can help reduce the activity of inflammatory cells.

  • And Polyphenols work to directly reduce inflammation and the severity of inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis and asthma (this is where haskap shines!)

Five rules for an anti-inflammatory diet.

According to Mayo Clinic, there are five “rules” for anti-inflammatory eating (and we’ve pulled them directly from their website for you):

  1. Eat more plants. Make sure you’re eating the entire color spectrum of fruits and vegetables to get maximum vitamin and nutrient intake.

  2. Focus on antioxidants. Specifically focus on eating more fruits and vegetables like “berries, leafy greens, beets and avocados, as well as beans and lentils, whole grains, ginger, turmeric and green tea.”

  3. Get your Omega-3s. Fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel, along with nuts like walnuts and pecans and flaxseed are loaded with anti-inflammatory effects and can help regulate joint pain and provide natural pain relief.

  4. Eat less red meat. Red meat can be inflammatory when consumed in large portions. Limit your red meat consumption and swap it out for other proteins like fish or lean poultry.

  5. Cut the processed stuff. Processed foods and sugars are also pro-inflammatory, so make sure to limit these in your diet as well.

By focusing on your nutrient intake, you can naturally reduce inflammation in your body.

So how does haskap juice help fight chronic inflammation?

Alright, we’ve defined inflammation and talked about whole foods as the best “home remedy,” but where does the humble haskap berry fit into the conversation?

Well, not only does haskap fall directly into the Mayo Clinic’s five-rule for an anti-inflammatory diet, but a study published by the National Library of Medicine back in 2015 found that haskap berries are hyper-rich in polyphenols, anthocyanins, and antioxidants—making it a top berry contender for reducing inflammation and associated pain.

Another study published in the International Journal of Food Properties found that the antioxidant potential of haskap berries is higher than raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries—meaning that while further study needs to be conducted, haskap berries have some of the most concentrated antioxidant compounds out of all the other super berries out there.

These anti-inflammatory properties are found in both pure pressed haskap juice AND haskap powder, making it incredibly easy to incorporate into a daily diet.

At Sweet Prairie Haskap, we make it easier than ever to get the full nutritional profile of haskap berries—both in our juice and powder formats.

Just two tablespoons per day of Sweet Prairie Haskap Juice provides you with all day energy and a healthy dose of vitamins, while a single teaspoon of our Sweet Prairie Haskap Powder gives you more than enough anti-inflammatory nutrients to help reduce joint pain, swelling, and other chronic disease caused by inflammation. 

And the best part: Sweet Prairie Haskap Juice and Powder tastes AMAZING and can be mixed with virtually anything to help you fight against inflammation!

So what are you waiting for?

Head to our online store to try a bottle or pouch of Sweet Prairie Haskap today, or find us at a farmers market or retail store near you!


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